EquiAmi Stories

We love hearing your EquiAmi stories, whether you’re a happy hacker or a barrel racing star like Ashley and Cruze who sent us this:

“The Equami has been an amazing tool to bring my barrel racing gelding back from his kissing spine diagnosis, both pre and post bone shave surgery. It has made all the difference for him! I’m not sure what I would do without it. Thank you for this amazing product!” – Ashley and Cruze

Here are a few more testimonials from our lovely customers:

“We love the EquiAmi and it has changed the way we train so much! We use the lunging aid 1 once a week and our mare has become so much stronger in just 4/5months of consistent training! We are looking to get the ridden aid soon! As she’s a trotter type she found it hard to balance her big strides trot without rushing and with the help of the lunging aid she can now trot in a balanced manner while still working properly behind! It is also beginning to help her learn to work long and low to stretch her top line out!” – Samantha Andrews

“My cob is like a different pony! I think the main reason is I have been lunging or riding twice a week using the EquiAmi. I’m so glad I took the risk and bought the lunge aid at Your House Live. After only using it a couple of times I could feel such a difference in his way of going I invested in the ridden upgrade. I have also long – reined my pony in the lunge aid for a change of scenery and so he’s not always going in circles. I’m not one for ‘gadgets’ and hate seeing horses tied or fixed into position but love that EquiAmi doesn’t do that. I’m not saying it’s a magic fix-all as saddle fitting, teeth etc all have an impact but I do feel EquiAmi has been a huge positive influence.” – Sarah Ince

If you’d like to share your EquiAmi story with us, please get in touch here.